Capital Market

The Capital Markets help channelise the surplus funds from savers to institutions which then invest them into productive use. Generally, this market trades mostly in long-term securities.

Capital market consists of primary markets and secondary markets. Primary markets deal with trade of new issues of stocks and other securities, whereas secondary market deals with the exchange of existing or previously-issued securities. Another important division in the capital market is made on the basis of the nature of security traded, i.e. stock market and bond market.

The Indian Capital Markets under the guidance and supervision of its Regulators SEBI and RBI and Finance Mistry has come a long way in creating exceptional opportunities for Retail, HNI and Institutional Investors to invest in the Indian Companies and in the growth story of India.

The market capitalization of the Indian Equity Markets has increased many fold in the last 2 decades and its continuously growing. NSE & BSE are the two premier Stock Exchanges of the country and Tracom is a member of both the Exchanges.

Tracom is providing quality services to its customer based on its core values since 1995 and has created a niche for itself in this field.


A705 The First, Behind Keshavbaug Party Plot, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380015.

Tracom Stock Brokers Pvt Ltd.

Member: NSE, BSE, NSDL

SEBI Reg. NO: INZ000246930(NSE,BSE)

SEBI Reg. NO: IN - DP - 178 - 2015(NSDL)

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